
It’s surprising when you find nasty people in indiepop. There’s not that many you know, usually everybody is friendly and very much into the idea of a community. But well, there are always exceptions. And I think one should always denounce them, maybe they’ll be nasty to YOU next time.

On August 31st I got a nice comment on myspace from Michael Murphy, one of the New York Popfest organizers, saying that the music on the label was great, blah, blah, blah. It’s not there anymore for some reason, maybe he deleted it, maybe he canceled his account. I don’t know how it works. Anyways, one day later, on September 1st, after the indiepop terrorist that is Chris B., wrote some religious nonsense and attacks everywhere, M&M wrote on the indiepoplist:

oohh…a fight! This one’s right up my alley too. I unequivocally support Series Two Records. As a fan, and an artist on the label I can testify to Chris’ dedication and authenticity. I think the “pretentious” cdr comps are fantastic, both in musical substance and in packaging. LOTS of labels over the course of indiepop have put out comps, many with bands not otherwise on thier label. “little Darla has a Treat for You” ring any bells? “Pop American Syle”?? “Seven Summers”?? Great comps all! And don’t even get me started on Roque. To call out another label on the back of one of your records is tacky at best and speaks of the “Me” atttitude you project both in person and in your dealings. To quote:” I don’t advertise new releases on the indiepoplist because they don’t care about new music” Enough said. Yes Cloudberry puts out some amazing music, but I just download it all, as you charge too much and make it available in such limited quantities that only the super aware elite be able to get it. Doesn’t sound very “socialist” to me. You may think yr the second coming of Sarah records…but Matt and Clare would be quite displeased. Trust me.

Surprising isn’t it? Especially as I’ve met him twice in New York, being very polite to him. Even inviting him to have some gyros with me, Anna and the Oh! Custer guys, and him running away. I could dissect what he said on his e-mail, but I guess at this moment it doesn’t matter. He totally misses every point and he is not objective at all, especially as he released in Series Two and I declined his offer to release his stuff on Cloudberry.

Hey! but this is not the end. Now comes the shocking part! Who would have thought that now he wants to be friends on Facebook?

Somebody is suffering of a terrible Doctor Jekyll and Mr. Hyde syndrome.


Shop Assistants – I Don’t Want to Be Friends With You